What it is like at College Hall?

Come to work at College Hall and you will not be disappointed.

We have friendly staff and brilliant 'A' star pupils.  We have an up-to-date building and also we have brilliant classrooms and an art room and a well equipped science classroom.

We also have a breakfast club every day with different menus.

We have a large field with a 5-a-side pitch and a basketball court and a pond at the end of the field which is getting developed.

We put our pupils through College courses and 85% of our pupils are successful.  We have a good incentive scheme to motivate students and our curriculum is brilliant and our pupils that take GCSE and entry level exams pass with flying colours.

We have whole school activities, yes that’s including the teachers, like for example Horse Shoe Lake, Ice skating and every Christmas we have a lovely Christmas lunch cooked by the food tech teacher.

Please come and join us today and teach in another way.

Promoting educational and social inclusion, College Hall aims to provide high quality education for children and young people who are unable to attend mainstream schools because of their complex and often disaffected behaviour, anxiety or medical needs. We are capably led by the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher and are made up of a core team of teachers, home tutors, behaviour support assistants, outreach workers and administrative staff.

Situated in the west of Bracknell Forest in a quiet and attractive location, we offer 30 full time places for young people in Key Stage 3 and 4. We want every one of these pupils to feel safe and happy at College Hall so that they can build on their successes and feel confident as they face new challenges. That’s why students are actively supervised at all times and breaks and lunchtimes are used to run planned activity sessions by our team of staff.

We believe strongly in working closely with parents and carers throughout the education cycle because this way we can better encourage and support each young person’s future development. What’s more, regular communication between us and parents or carers ensures that they are kept up to date with their child’s progress, and if difficulties arise, they can be quickly addressed.

Across everything we strive to achieve, we adopt a friendly and welcoming approach together with a structured philosophy when meeting educational needs. We believe in empowering young people and in helping them to make positive choices in life. If this is something you share then we’d love you to get in contact.

For details of our most recent Ofsted report, click here